Life: The Greatest Sample [NFTW #51]

We take some notes from Hip-Hop on how sampling can increase the melodic richness of our lives.

Bonjour les amis! Greetings from Paris. I’m in town for ETHCC. If you’re around and would like to grab a coffee sometime this week—hit me up! Earlier this week when I was in the gym I had the thought to put some thoughts on how we could take lessons from the use of sampling in music in our own lives.

Life: The Greatest Sample

In the heart of Hip-Hop, we find the magical art of sampling—a soul-stirring practice that draws inspiration from the past to create something profoundly new. Much like life's experiences, Hip-Hop producers carefully select fragments of soulful melodies and beats, intertwining them with their own artistic vision. In this dance between past and present, an alchemical transformation occurs, revealing the eternal truth that all life is interconnected.

Just as a masterful Hip-Hop producer digs deep into the crates to discover forgotten treasures, we, too, journey through the tapestry of our own lives, seeking hidden gems. Life presents us with a vast library of experiences—joys, sorrows, triumphs, and challenges—waiting to be sampled. Each encounter, like a vinyl record waiting to be played, carries a unique rhythm that adds depth and meaning to our personal symphony.

Sampling in Hip-Hop is an act of homage, paying tribute to the legends who came before. It echoes the sacred bond between generations, reminding us of our roots and the wisdom passed down through the ages. Similarly, life beckons us to honor our heritage, acknowledging the influence of those who have shaped us—our ancestors, our mentors, and the collective wisdom of humanity. By sampling the lessons they've taught us, we infuse our own journey with a timeless, soulful resonance.

But the true power of sampling lies in its ability to transform. A skilled producer takes snippets of melodies, slices them, flips them, and rearranges them into something entirely new—a testament to the boundless creativity of the human spirit. In the same way, life invites us to embrace change, to take the fragments of our experiences and weave them into a beautiful tapestry of growth and self-discovery. The challenges we face, the hardships we endure—they are the raw materials of our transformation, patiently waiting for us to reshape them into melodies of resilience and strength.

Through the art of sampling, Hip-Hop teaches us that authenticity is the key to creating a soul-stirring masterpiece. In a world inundated with conformity, it encourages us to embrace our unique voice, to express our truth boldly and unapologetically. Life, too, beckons us to step into our authentic selves, to honor our passions, dreams, and desires. Just as the world yearns for the soulful honesty of Hip-Hop, it craves our authentic presence—our unfiltered expression of love, joy, and vulnerability. Let us sample the beauty and complexity of our experiences, weaving them into a soulful composition that resonates with the very essence of our being.

In a previous newsletter I mentioned Hip-Hop’s favourite family to sample: The Isley Brothers. The playlist below captures some of the original songs by The Isley Brothers and the songs that have sampled their sounds.

The Works - Things Fall Apart

As I mentioned last week The Works is a new series where I break down particular works that have had lasting impacts on me. I'll be going through these works and discussing interesting links. I kicked off the series with Toni Morrison’s The Source of Self Regard and in my latest instalment I’m discussing Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Have a watch below and let me know thoughts.

Until next week. Peace.